30 box-seats for the new residents of the girls' house.
Each girl will have her own box where she can keep her own special, personal, private stuff - a rare privilege for most of our youngsters in their overcrowded houses. |
The roof is 3/4 finished. We should be ready for our 10th September deadline. |
The preparations for the opening of the Girls' Safe House on 10th September are well underway. Materials gathering in garages across the UK. Ann has her ticket. The roof is nearly on and the electrics will soon be sorted too. Numerous items from the
wishlist have been bought to make the home a real home. 30 box-seats for the new residents have been made. Stacks of knickers have been bought. Dresses have been sewn. The welder is all lined up to fit railings, doors and windows. And so it goes on....
The girls are on holiday at the moment but the excitement is growing as everything slips into position.....
If you would like to sponsor a box-seat and starter kit: box, toiletries, stationery, cup, mug, spoon, etc - please donate £40 using the details on the donate page on the educaid website or use the charity choice button at the side of this post. It is all about making each little girl, resident in the home, feel special and valued as an individual.
If you are interested in knowing more about EducAid's work with vulnerable young Sierra Leoneans, please go to www.educaid.org.uk and www.educaidsierraleone.blogspot.com
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